Welcome to our new-look BPP Library Blog. We’re really excited to share this new space with you. Keep an eye out here for all things library-related, including:
  • our equality and diversity initiatives

  • resources available to you

  • developments related to your subject area

  • service updates

  • library events

  • what the team can offer you in terms of learning support

As we add our updates, we’d love to hear what you think – please do comment and let us know your thoughts. (Prefer to contact the Library Team directly? Email us at:
Looking for something?
Our all-new blog format means it’s easier to search our blog content using the search box on the sidebar.
Don’t want to miss an update?
Please use the subscribe option on the right-hand-side to be the first to hear our library news.
What’s happened to the previous Library blog posts?
We’ve kept these in their original home, here:   Check out this space for information on our equality and diversity initiatives, and much more, pre-February ‘25.