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Study Support: Managing Your Time

Managing Your Time



 In this section we will explore methods and tips that will allow us to conquer our assignments, increase productivity and fight the curse of procrastination.

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Time Management Techniques

Remove all distractions and set a timer for 25 minutes. Work with deep concentration for 25 minutes. After 25 minutes, have a 5 minute break. The idea behind this is to create a sense of urgency as you work. Each day, you need to start by identifying your most important task.

This is your “frog”. Begin your day by tackling this “frog”. Once you have tackled your most important task then you can move on to easier and more enjoyable tasks.

Look through your to-do list and group similar tasks together, e.g. replying to several emails, calling a few people or working on several class quizzes. Schedule these similar tasks together so you have a few blocks of work to do instead of lots of small tasks scheduled.

Planning Your Day

Create a schedule:

  • Schedule your study sessions step-by-step to stay motivated and on track 
  • Schedule in breaks as well as taking short breaks whilst studying, you should also be taking longer breaks throughout the day. Also schedule in meal times so you do not feel tempted to work through them.
  • Be realistic! It is better to overestimate how long a task will take and complete it early than to underestimate and stress yourself out trying to reach unrealistic deadlines.

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