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Study Support: Study Preparation

Introduction to Study Preparation


For effective learning, it is important to discover which study techniques work best for you so that you can plan your approach and get the best out of any study session. Have a think about what you want to achieve and how you will achieve those goals and study success will soon be yours.  This guide aims to give you some ideas on how you might prepare for sessions in advance, whether that is getting ready for attending a lecture, a day's work in the library or revision for your next exam.

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Planning Your Study Session


Location:  Try to have a designated location for study so you know to focus when you are there.

Distractions: Steer clear of distractions by sitting somewhere quiet with only the things you need to study.

Prepare: Make sure you have everything you need to prevent you needing to leave the space to gather your things.

Time Management: Study in short bursts with regular breaks to structure your time and prevent burnout.

Revisit your topics: Do not aim to cover everything just once; try to master topics by revising and revisiting them.

Be flexible: Your schedule will not always go to plan, or you may try to take on more than you can do.

Preparing for Your First Online Session

  • As a BPP student, you are likely to have some online lectures or tutorials. Here are some tips on how to prepare for your first session:  
  • Read the syllabus closely and familiarise yourself with any assignment due dates. Write down any questions or concerns you may have. 
  • Contact your tutor beforehand and have an honest conversation about your needs during the lecture or tutorial. 
  • Prepare for your session by reading any assigned texts listed on the syllabus. 
  • Use assistive technology such as note-taking and recording devices (if allowed).  
  • Contact if you have any learning difficulties or disabilities.


Other Ideas

Why not Create a Study Timetable ?

  • Divide each subject into topics to focus on
  • Decide how much time you would like to spend on each topic 
  • If a topic is more complex, allocate more time. 
  • Check off completed tasks as they are done.

Compile and Organise your Notes

  • Note key information for each topic/unit 
  • Supplement class notes with any extra reading (from textbooks, internet research or notes provided by your tutors)
  • Compile into one set of notes
  • Create a checklist of key terms and glossary/list of key terms and concepts